If you like to do work outs at home then treadmill is the first machine, which comes to mind. Walking or jogging on a treadmill is very beneficial for your thighs and calf muscles. You can do workouts anytime inside your home.
Tonar treadmill is a good buy and you can fold and keep it anywhere, and save space at home. Most of us buy a treadmill and the first month we work on it and later on we don't use it at all. To remain fit and reduce fat people need to workout at least 3-4 times a week. There are hundreds of treadmills available in the market and choosing a treadmill is very difficult. While choosing a treadmill you need to know the warranty period of the treadmill provided by the company, whether the treadmill can be used for hours without any problem and the thickness of the walking deck and whether the treadmill can absorb shock (shock absorbers).
The Tonar treadmill - Legend 1000 is not costly compared to other treadmills. It weighs around 150 lbs and it is value for money. You can test the treadmill before buying and buy it if you feel comfortable while walking and jogging. To stay fit a treadmill is very necessary and it comes at an affordable price.